The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted film and television markets. In the wake of the global outbreak, movie theatres have closed, film productions have been delayed, and festivals have been cancelled or postponed.
In the wake of these events, adaptations have been made to the way we consume film and television media. Many films have gone from being hosted at physical viewing locations to digital events. To examine this further, 1844 Studios has conducted a research report on the impact of the digitalization of film and television markets.
The report can be found below:
This report was written by:
Nauzanin A. Knight - Project Manager, lead researchers and report writer, IP owner;
Mitra Knight - Project Director, researcher, IP owner;
A special thank you our funders at Canada Council for the Arts, our collaborators at Alberta Media Production Industries Association (AMPIA), Writers' Guild of Alberta and Edmonton Short Film Festival.